A story to share
I believe it is important for people to learn about high functioning autism from someone who understands it best. I live with it daily. Sharing my story is a lifetime passion and something I hope inspires others. Not only do I hope to help navigate a path that others may think is closed, but I also want to show how much people with autism have to offer. I feel comfortable speaking in front of small and large groups, as well as classrooms and auditoriums. I have shared the following topics before, but I’m open to exploring other topics as well. Questions are encouraged and meet and greets before and following are always something I look forward to. To learn more, use the contact form to share your next occasion.
Speech topics
Below are topics shared with small groups and larger audiences. Contact me for your next program. Tell me about your next project or ask a question. I try to reply to all inquiries. Please check all relevant boxes. below.
Independent living with autism
These days I can do many things on my own. I have a car and commute daily to the local newspaper where I work as…
“It’s raining cats and dogs…” Taking thing LITERALLY
People often use “figures of speech” in conversation. This program explains how I learned that a literal translation of what is being said is often…
Was I drunk? “I Have Autism” card
A person once stopped me because he thought I was acting strange. “Are you drunk?” he asked me. That encounter led me to create a handy…
Defying the unsupportive doctor
What do autistic children do when doctors seem less than understanding and supportive? I will share the thoughts of my parents and my own feelings on…
Circle of friends
Building a “circle of friends” is a core concept behind the way I learned to get through life. It seems elemental: as much as possible,…
Life in college
This presentation explains how I navigated life on my own after leaving home for the first time to attend college at one of the top…
My advice to teachers
The encouragement and support of understanding teachers has been a real gift in my life. They have helped me learn to interact in day-to-day settings…
Contact Me
Love to hear from you. Let me know about your next project or share a comment. I try to reply to most all requests.